About Us

Welcome to the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments.
The Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments is the first municipal museum of musical instruments in Japan. It was established as part of the Hamamatsu City“Creation of a City of Music” beginning in 1981, and is registered museum facility under the law of museums.

The mission of the museum is to collect and preserve a representative selection of musical instruments and related materials from around the world, to research them, to exhibit them with an equal and unbiased perspective, and to cultivate a vast knowledge and understanding of music, musical instruments, and cultures through a variety of activities.
We hope the museum will become a center for all musical instruments and their cultures, and a place where people will meet together to discover this wonderful world.
April 1, 2020
Masayuki Tsuruta Director of the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments